In today’s digital age, capturing attention is a marketer’s ultimate challenge. We’ve all heard the adage: goldfish have an attention span of eight seconds. Well, guess what? According to a Microsoft study, humans now have an even shorter attention span – a measly eight seconds! That’s right, you have less than eight seconds to grab the attention of busy IT professionals overflowing with emails. So, how do you break through the noise and get your message across in the ever-crowded B2B IT landscape?

By the way I learnt about the Goldfish type attention span of human in Aashish Chopra’s book “Fast Cheap and Viral”. That is where I am taking some lessons from and looking into how the lessons apply in B2B email marketing strategies.

This blog post delves into the secrets of crafting compelling email marketing campaigns for B2B IT companies, drawing parallels with Aashish’s principles for creating viral content.

By implementing these techniques, you can transform your B2B IT email marketing from a one-way street to a dynamic conversation that drives results.

Just like creating viral content, crafting captivating B2B IT emails requires a strategic shift. Let’s explore some key takeaways from “Fast Cheap Viral” and how they translate to the world of B2B IT email marketing:

Make it Share-worthy: Craft Subject Lines that Captivate

In “Fast Cheap Viral,” Aashish emphasizes the importance of creating content that users want to share. The same principle applies to B2B IT email marketing. Your subject line is the first impression – it determines whether your email gets opened or relegated to the trash.

According to Tidio 47% of email recipients decide whether to open an email based solely on the subject line, plus 69% of email recipients report emails as spam after reading the subject line.  (Invesp, 2021). This is a huge risk if you ignore the importance of subject line. So, the first B2B email marketing best practice is – “subject line”.

47% open email based on Subject line
69% mark email as Spam based on Subject line

Here are some tips for crafting captivating subject lines:

  • Keep it short and sweet. Aim for under 50 words (ideally under 30 characters on mobile).
  • Intrigue, don’t deceive. Spark curiosity without resorting to clickbait tactics.
  • Personalize when possible. Use first names or company names to stand out.
  • Urgency can be your friend. Create a sense of timeliness (e.g., “Limited-time offer inside”).
  • A/B test different subject lines. See what resonates best with your audience.

Your subject lines should be interesting such as the following examples –

  • Trigger Curiosity: Use questions, surprising statistics, or unexpected wordplay to pique interest. (e.g., “Is Your Cybersecurity Strategy Full of Holes? [Free Assessment]” or “The Secret Weapon of Top-Performing IT Teams (It’s Not What You Think)”)
  • Highlight Value: Clearly communicate the benefit your email offers. (e.g., “Boost Productivity by 20% with This Simple IT Automation Tip”)
  • Urgency and Scarcity: Create a sense of urgency or limited availability to encourage immediate action. (e.g., “Limited Spots: Exclusive IT Webinar on [Topic]” or “[Last Chance] Download Your Free Whitepaper on [Topic]”)

Beyond the Subject Line

Once you’ve opened the door, keep them engaged with remarkable content. Here are some “Fast Cheap and Viral” inspired tips:

  • Storytelling Powerhouse: Humans are wired for stories. Weave narratives that resonate with your target audience’s challenges and aspirations. (e.g., Share a customer success story demonstrating how your IT solution transformed their operations).
  • Visual Appeal: Integrate captivating visuals like infographics, charts, or short videos to enhance engagement and break up text.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Back up your claims with data and industry trends to establish credibility and showcase your expertise.

Think Conversations Before the Campaign: Designing Email Sequences for Engagement

While open rates are important, true success lies in fostering conversations. Take a cue from Aashish’s emphasis on “conversations before the campaign.” Here’s how to design email sequences that keep prospects engaged:

  • Map out your email sequence beforehand. Plan the flow of content and calls to action for each email.
  • Segment your audience. Tailor your message based on pain points, interests, and buying stage.
  • Offer valuable content, not just sales pitches. Provide insights, tips, and solutions to their problems.
  • Craft a conversational tone. Write in a friendly, approachable style that encourages replies.
  • Personalize the email content whenever possible. Go beyond just first names; reference previous interactions or past downloads.
  • Include clear calls to action (CTAs). Tell recipients what you want them to do next (e.g., download a white paper, schedule a demo).
  • Don’t forget the follow-up! Have a plan for those who don’t open the first email or two. Caution: do not over do it.

Do not sell

Actually, this lesson takes another learning from Aashish’s book – “Do not create Ad”. Basically the learning is – do not sell, create a more personal and relatable conversation. Think of your email campaign as a conversation, not a sales pitch. Here’s how to foster a dialogue that nurtures leads and builds relationships:

  • Focus on Value, Not Selling: People don’t want to be bombarded with sales pitches. Instead, offer valuable content that addresses their pain points, solves problems, or educates them on industry trends. Provide downloadable resources, case studies, or whitepapers in exchange for contact information.
  • Open a Two-Way Street: Encourage interaction by asking questions, soliciting feedback, and including clear CTAs (calls to action). Make it easy for recipients to respond or connect with you further, whether it’s through a reply button, a link to a survey, or a live chat option.
  • Respond Promptly: When someone takes the time to respond to your email, value their engagement. Set up email notifications and aim to respond within 24 hours, demonstrating that their communication matters.

Content type

Aashish talks about share-worthy content, and states the principle of share-worthy content as IUCTC type content. It is an acronym for

I – Inspirational content, U – Useful, C – Celebrating life, T – Topical content, C – Change the world

Note these different types of content may backfire if you follow them as blanket approach. If you want these to work in an email you need to properly understand your audience. So, lets move to the next item.

Segmentation: Tailoring Your Message for Maximum Impact

Aashish’s most important lesson is – Distribution is everything. However there is a tweak here. Your email marketing requires to be tailored. So, always remember not all prospects are created equal. Segmenting your email list allows you to tailor your message to resonate with specific needs and interests. Here are some segmentation strategies for B2B IT companies:

  • Industry: Target different industries with content relevant to their specific IT challenges. For example, tailor emails for healthcare providers differently than those for financial institutions.
  • Company Size: The needs of a small startup will differ from those of a large enterprise. Segment your list based on company size and adjust the complexity and scope of your content accordingly.
  • Job Title: IT professionals have diverse roles within an organization. Segment by job title (e.i., CIO, IT Security Specialist) to ensure your content speaks directly to their specific pain points.

Experimenting and ROI

The last lesson from Aashish on Viral Content is test and iterate approach. He suggests that test many ideas simultaneously. It is true for email marketing as well. For that you would require a well segmented data and approaches to test.

Always remember, now with “Digital” marketing has become both art and science. You have to be in your labs all the time. Your messaging could be an art and testing the message has to be scientific. The key to continuous improvement in B2B email marketing is testing and iteration. Experiment with different subject lines, email copy, calls to action, and send times to determine what resonates best with your audience. Analyze the results of your tests and use that data to refine your approach over time. By continually optimizing your email campaigns, you can maximize their effectiveness and drive better results for your business.

B2B email marketing isn’t about flashy marketing gimmicks. It’s about building trust, one email at a time. By becoming a storyteller who understands their audience’s needs, you can turn that inbox into a thriving B2B ecosystem. Email offers great RoI, yet you must know that it could be slow and tedious. So you have to look at B2B email marketing automation. There are many options to automate in your overall email outreach. We’ve achieved great results with automation and integrations to get the RoI, ask us for discussion on the same. Last but not the least, your emails aren’t just marketing tools – they’re opportunities to forge genuine connections that lead to lasting success.